Rabbi Triumphs over 2600 Rated Chess Program

I seldom defeat the stronger chess programs; I am usually lucky when I can draw against one of them. Rarely do I win, but in this game, I thought LChess 5.3 would at least draw me, but surprisingly, it misplayed the position–or perhaps my stonewalling technique really worked–chess programs prefer open positions because tactics are its strength–much despite my penchant for losing to these machines. Just in case you are wondering, I am a Chess Master rated around 2200.

[White “LCHESS”]
[Black “ms”]
[Result “0-1”]
[Opening “A31 English: Symmetrical, Benoni formation”]

1. c4 Nf6 2. Nf3 c5 3. d4 b6 4. dxc5 bxc5 5. Bg5 Nc6 6. Bxf6 gxf6 7. Nc3 Bb7 8. e3 d6 9. Bd3 Bh6 10. Qb1 Na5 11. Be4 Qb6 12. Bxb7 Qxb7 13. b3 e6 14. Qd3 Ke7 15. O-O Nc6 16. a3 Rad8 17. Rfd1 f5 18. Nb5 Qb8 19. Rab1 Ne5 20. Nxe5 dxe5 21. Qe2 e4 22. Rxd8 Rxd8 23. Nc3 Bg7 24. Na4 Qc7 25. Rd1 Be5 26. h3 Rxd1+ 27. Qxd1 Qd6 28. Qxd6+ Kxd6 29. g3 h5 30. h4 Ba1 31. b4 cxb4 32. axb4 Kc6 33. b5+ Kb7 34. c5 Bf6 35. c6+ Kc7 36. Nc5 Be7 37. Nd7 Bb4 38. Nf6 Kb6 39. Ne8 Be7 40. c7 Kb7 41. Kg2 Kc8 42. Kf1 Kb7 43. Kg1 Kc8 44. Kh2 Kb7 45. b6 a5 46. Kh3 a4 47. Ng7 a3 48. Nxh5 a2 49. c8Q+ Kxc8 50. Kh2 a1Q 51. Nf4 Qf1 52. Nh3 Kb7 53. h5 Kxb6 54. h6 Kc5 55. h7 Bf6 56. h8R Bxh8 57. Nf4 Qxf2+ 58. Kh3 e5 59. Ng2 f4 60. exf4 exf4 61. Nxf4 Be5 62. Kg4 Bxf4 63. Kf5 e3 64. gxf4 e2 65. Ke4 e1Q+ 66. Kf5 Qed2 67. Kf6 Qdxf4+ 68. Ke7 Q2e3+ 69. Kd7 Qfd4+ 70. Kc8 Qe8+ 71. Kb7 Qdd7+ 72. Ka6 Qa8# 0-1